
Our guide: Tao Te Ching

Written by our spiritual guide Laozi in 600 bc, Tao Te Ching consists of 81 chapters about essential themes in tao philosophy. Actually, it is written in two parts: First one entitled tao ching and second part te ching. Meaning of the title enlights the context sufficiently. Tao means the path, the way. Te means the strength and also the virtue. Ching signifies the scripture. So it's the guide which shows us the path and teaches us how to be virtuous. Since it was written in ancient Chinese, and a symbol in that alphabet refers to many notions, There are various translations of this book. Even if the meaning changes from person to person it has its effect on everyones life perspective.

By the theme Duality (subject of the second chapter), we get an other comprehension of life, it exists through opposite notions, the reflection appears there. Thanks to this perspective we understand the nature, and analyze it.

All under heaven see beauty as beauty only because they also see ugliness.
All announce that good is good only because they also denounce what is bad.
Therefore, something and nothing give birth to one another.
Difficult and easy complete one another.
Long and short fashion one another.
High and low arise from one another.
Notes and tones harmonise with one another.
Front and back follow one another.
Thus, the True Person acts without striving and teaches without words.
Deny nothing to the ten thousand things.
Nourish them without claiming authority,
Benefit them without demanding gratitude,
Do the work, then move on.
And, the fruits of your labour will last forever.

The essence of tao philosophy -the force behind the nature- is also defined in this book as Unnamed. İn this definition, the duality is used, it is defined by the non possessed properties, and by that contrast, the notion can be understood more clearly.

Look at it, you cannot see it. It is invisible.
Listen to it, you cannot hear it. It is inaudible.
Reach for it, you cannot grasp it. It is intangible.
These three qualities are unfathomable
and so they fuse together and become one.
The upper part is not bright.
The lower part is not dark.
Ceaselessly the Unnamed moves back to nothingness.
It has the form of the formless,
the image of the imageless.
It is indefinable and shadowy.
Go up to it and you will not see its front.
Follow it and you will not see its back.
Yet, hold fast to this ancient Tao
and you will experience the present now-moment.
Know its beginnings and you can follow the path of the Tao.

Çağla YASA

1. The Tao Te Ching-Translation by Tolbert McCarroll

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