
As A Daoist

As we are Daoists, our founder who lived in the 6th century B.C. is Lao-Tzu. Lao-Tzu is source of everything. According to Lao-Tzu, Dao does not need anything. We believe that Daoism depends on being natural, Dao is not named, is not seen, is not heard and does not have any shape. Also we believe that if Dao which is our "way"controls somewhere, peace is also there, that is why  we do not like wars and weapons, if we use weapons, we do that undesirable. We support that infinite individualism. We believe afterlife, and immortality. We do favor without getting benefit, it is our basic unit. Dao teaches us three main points to have better life.

- Live simple, and be scrape.
- Be lowly, and stay away to be pride and conceit.
- Be gracious to the all living things.



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