
A Glance to Daoism

We, as daoists, try to live in harmony with nature, by understanding its ways. All that we aim to do is to live as simple as we can. This is our "dao" and we know that this will lead us to order. Ambitions are like the big rocks on our "way". Thus, we need to leave them aside. No politics should we focus on. Instead, we should retreat from any kind of administration and live in small communities without the worry of conquering or being conquered. This is the path that we should take, as our ancestors explained in Dao de Jing and Zhuangzi, because that's what nature does. In order to achieve it, the introspection- a window to our inner thoughts, ambitions, and denouncing of those ambitions- is necessary.
Activism is not accepted. We should take no action so an action can occur. Wuwei is our principle and like the water, we should be soft and weak yet can make a big change.
As the sage Laozi said, "The soft overcomes the hard; the weak overcomes the strong."
This is our path. This is our "dao".


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